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Holiday in Fyn

Fyn (Funen in English), is the third largest island of Denmark with an area of 3,099.7km2 and a population of approximately 466,284 as of 2010. It belongs to the region of Southern Denmark and is located in the center of the country. It's a beautiful island that has a number of castles and manor houses, as well as rich farmland thanks to the fertile clay soil. It's a must-see destination for anyone looking to get a taste for Danish life.

Accommodation in Funen

Tourist goers are spoilt for choice when it comes to accommodation in Fyn – so much so that it's worth looking for last minute deals on boutique hotels, family hotels and campsites.

Top Attractions in Funen:-

Odense Zoo

Odense Zoo is a favorite for families and couples alike, and contains more than 2,000 animals from around the globe. This includes everything from giraffes and antelopes, to Siberian tigers and pandas. They also have marine animals including giant manatees which are always entertaining to watch. The zoo is open most of the year from 10am - 7 days a week.

Funen Village

If you'd like to take a step back in time, make sure to stop by the Funen Village open air museum. It's a complete reenactment of a functioning rural village (including half-timbered buildings and farm animals) which is set around the 1850's. This is one for kids and adults alike.

Egeskov Castle

Many castles are mere shadows of what they once were. This isn't the case with Egeskov castle which has a real moat, spires and a knight's hall. It is also surrounded by a park and a forest which provides entertainment for all the family. Egeskov castle also offers more modern amusements, with exhibits containing motorcycles, airplanes, and even one with the World's largest dollhouse.

The Danish Railway Museum

While not everyone has an interest in trains, there are few who can refrain from marveling at the machines of old. This museum has a number of historic trains, in addition to models trains and even a mini train offering rides which is popular.

Marstal Søfartsmuseum

The Marstal Maritime Museum harbors a collection of 250 ship models, which tell a tale of seafaring from the early days of sailing, to the modern coaster fleet of today.


Those who are looking for a somewhat different, yet interesting day out should visit Naturama in Svenborg. Here it's possible to see a variety of stuffed animals staged in a natural theatre which is both entertaining and educational. Naturama also has a cinema, as well as a "sense" room where children can experience Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn in a special way.

These attractions are just a few that the island has to offer. By taking the time to review what there is on offer, and planning an itinerary, it's possible to make the most of any vacation.

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